Thursday 10 January 2013

Project description:

Radioactive has been developed as a response to issues being faced by young people with fewer opportunities, specifically those who are unemployed and have limited media access or knowledge of how to use the media.

  • We will create a multilateral, multi-media based information and communication project in order to stimulate creativity through young people’s interaction with the media, up-skilling their knowledge and use of different media forms.
  • We will organise an ambitious multi-media campaign to inform and promote opportunities available to unemployed youth and young people with fewer opportunities, giving participants the opportunity to learn about the rights and opportunities open to them and stimulate debate about the obstacles that prevent people from fully using these rights and then generate activities for addressing them.
  • Radioactive will increase intercultural dialogue and co-operation between Europe and Asia through the European Union Youth in Action programme. Radioactive will bring together partners from Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, Sweden, Italy and the UK to share knowledge about volunteering, develop intercultural activities for youth from minority groups and those experiencing social exclusion.
  • This project will create a network for future exchanges of volunteers through European Voluntary Service, youth exchange or other international volunteer programmes.

Many programmes for youth teach skills, for example how to create a community newsletter or how to produce a radio show, without any real forum for the young people to then utilise the skills they have learnt. Leaving often a frustrating situation where young people are up-skilled but not provided with any channels to use their new found skills. The difference with Radioactive is that we will start by providing a sound knowledge and skills base, encourage critical thinking and participant decision making, and then, we will provide participants with a live forum to utilise the skills. Participants will move from being consumers to providers, providing information and knowledge to their peers and the wider community through a multimedia information campaign. This opportunity will raise participant’s confidence as well as their interface with the local community, helping them to develop both personal skills and also skills for future employment.

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