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Act Global is based in the UK (United Kingdom) and in Indonesia and runs projects and programmes in these countries as well as the surrounding regions.

Our organisation aims to educate young people about the issues of the world such as poverty, climate change and inequality. To achieve these goals, we develop and deliver international projects for young people and organisations working with young people, whilst also working with NGOs, businesses and other funders.

We believe that young people grow best through access to a global education, contact with people from different cultures and being exposed to new positive educational experiences. It’s also our hope that by supporting the development of global citizens, we can foster a more peaceful, sustainable and prosperous world.


Radio Boracays is a national radio station, airing music and news across the Philippines and through webradio all around the world. latest project is a local search for young talent to be trained in radio broadcasting and help young people develop a career in radio. From news writing, production, programming etc. Radio Boracay has also been an active member of Bantay Bata Boracay a project organised to protect young people from abuse, sexual exploitation, neglect and drugs.

TDM 2000 - ITALY
TDM 2000 promotes personal and professional development of young people aiming to make them active citizens in the society in which they live. TDM 2000 is an apolitical, independent, no profit organisation with educational aims and it coordinates youngsters willing to cooperate in the voluntary field. It believes in the mutual respect of different cultures and in the equality between people; it aims to contribute to the development of the countries in which it works by achieving a greater consciousness of international cooperation, mutual understanding and the need to be active in today’s society. It is striven in order to promote the individual development creating opportunities of interaction and comparison between the young people from various cultures and nationalities. It works to foster the cooperation among public bodies at local and international level.

L'Associazione TDM 2000 promuove lo sviluppo personale  e professionale dei giovani e mira a renderli cittadini attivi nella società in cui vivono. TDM 2000 è un'organizzazione apolitica, indipendente e no profit, ha obiettivi educativi e formativi e si rivolge ai ragazzi che desiderano collaborare nel settore del volontariato.
Crede nel reciproco rispetto delle differenti culture e nell'uguaglianza tra i popoli; ambisce a contribuire allo sviluppo dei Paesi in cui opera attraverso il conseguimento di una maggiore consapevolezza verso la cooperazione internazionale, la comprensione reciproca e il bisogno di essere parte attiva all'interno della società odierna. Si impegna a favorire la crescita individuale creando opportunità di interazione e confronto tra giovani appartenenti alle varie culture e nazionalità. Si mobilita per incoraggiorare la cooperazione tra le istituzioni pubbliche a livello locale e internazionale.

”Blue Hill is an Youth organisation in Stockholm Suburb area Solna. Buehill maingoal is to have activity for Youngsters. Now we have Sports, Dance and Music project with around 150 youngsters. We also have opened a meetingplace for youngsters on Friday and Saturday nights. Our border have only 2 older persons and the rest is youngsters. We wanna develope other activity for youngsters who don’t like Sports and dance. We use Peer eduactions. ’’Older Youngsters take care of Younger youngsters’’. We work very close to Council of Solna, Youth and Leisure department.”

The mission of the Office of International Affairs is to provide university students and teaching staff International experience in training and research, help incoming foreign students and scientists integrate with the university, take maximum advantage of programs and projects, and to contribute to the development of the region. 

The vision of the Office of International Affairs is to provide information relating to the worlds best opportunities in order to ensure the university’s effective communication with National and International communities.

Aculco is a nonprofit entity born in Spain in 1992, dedicated to the reception, information and support for migrants in Europe, social awareness on migration and multiculturalism and the collective construction of a diverse, plural and inclusive society.

Our branch in London is intended to develop a media framework not only to the dissemination of the work of the communities involved in the project, but also to train young people in the field of media, serving as a bridge between the authorities and the local communities.
Aculco es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro nacida en España en el año 1992, dedicada a la acogida, información y acompañamiento de personas migrantes en Europa, a la sensibilización social sobre el fenómeno migratorio así como a la interculturalidad y la construcción colectiva de una sociedad diversa, plural e inclusiva.
En Londres se desarrolla como un medio de comunicación comunitario dedicado no sólo a la difusión del quehacer de la comunidad envuelta en el proyecto, sino también, a la formación de jóvenes en el ámbito de los medios de comunicación, sirviendo también de puente entre las autoridades locales y las comunidades.

Everything is Possible is a not-for-profit organisation that is at a pivotal stage in its growth. After much hard work we are ready to reach out to more partners, funders and disadvantaged young people — and we’re very excited about it.When we formed Everything is Possible 12 years ago, our vision was to help the young disadvantaged — offenders, jobless, uneducated, substance abusers as well as ethnic minorities. 

We knew that non-formal learning through volunteering and experiencing new cultures was an enormously powerful way of helping people to improve themselves. The concept wasn’t a new one, but we wanted to develop it with international partners and provide free opportunities to the young people who needed it the most. We also wanted to do it well. That meant building strong support, relationships, networks and infrastructure.

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